Friday, October 2, 2009

now THIS is a nit!

a "nit", in poker slang, is a player who is super tight, and hard to get money off of.  LAG's (loose aggro players) use it as a derogetory term; it is roughly equal to being called "cheap" in real life.  i found the queen of nits last night.  being a real life nit, rachel and i hit the sands $4.99 ayce speghetti and meatballs special.  we each got a full priced drink, so i didnt feel too bad about it, but this dinner was actually good, and also came with a small salad and piece of garlic toast.  about halfway through our meal, i saw a small commotion at a table about 4 down from ours.  the shift supervisor and a waitress were arguing with a silver/senior lady.  she had a scowl on her face and was gesturing at the supervisor several times.  i couldnt hear any of the convo, besides it ending with she super saying "fine, i will do it this time ONLY." and walking off.  this same supervisor came by our table a short time later, asking if we would like another plate (i was shocked when rachel said "yes".  she paid for that later, but thats another story).  i said to the supervisor "little controversy tonight?"  she proceeded to tell me that this lady INSISTED on using her half off coupon at the $4.99 dinner special!!!  L O L.  cmon now.  i mean at the most i can understand her asking if she could use it, but to actually argue for around a minute is just a new low in NIT'dom.  i told the supervisor "we're cheap, but not THAT cheap!"

having a great time in reno.  wifey and i were up a grand total of $3.50 playing blackjack last nite, plus 3 free drinks and tips. 

i want to talk a bit more about some poker stuff i was thinking about, and also recycling while on the road, but those will have to come later.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post!! it’s a very good to know information Poker Game has become such a religious game that people have forgotten its fun part. Here are some interesting facts about poker.
