Monday, September 21, 2009


Last nite was some bs. i freaked out about:  1. cigarette lighter in tow car coming apart/not working (was working prior to departure on this trip, and was going to use it for the garmin gps and invertor to power a laptop).  2. "check engine" light coming on in tow vehicle (after i tinkered with fuse boxes).  it was on today and has since gone out.  3. the NEW ac power charger for the laptop (bought about 1.5 month ago) coming apart at its head. i attempted to take off the protective electrical tape i had put on it, and ripped the head right off. i blew my top last nite. not good for me.

still havent been able to play poker, and getting a bit antsy, as i should be keeping up my playing to keep up the funds. have had a great month prior to this tho. just getting comfortable with 5/10nl.

went to get the tow vehicle looked at/fixed today. they fixed the cigarette lighter and looked at another problem (the front wheel bearings need to be replaced i guess). charged $60 to fix the cigarette lighter. we saw some more volcano stuff (a huge obsidian flow that came 1.5k years ago), and a peak 7k over sea level, plus downtown bend.  sitting outside now relaxing which is really cool.

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