Saturday, September 19, 2009

Starting out

im about one week in to my epic 1+ year rv trip around america. wifey quit her job as a full-time 6th grade teacher, we bought a 35 foot rv and a tow car, rented my house to her mom, and took off. the plan is to travel from seattle to key west and back over a year, seeing as much as we can (or just relaxing), and living off savings and my poker income. i have been playing online for several years, and have derived all my income from it since feb 2007 (wife has also worked). i hope to get feedback from fellow poker players, see if anyone else has done or is doing what we are, keep family/friends informed, and see where others would suggest to go.

we traveled to spokane, wa to visit grandparents, then to silverton, or to meet up with other rvr's including my parents. now we are in bend, or to visit the newberry national volcanic monument and heading next to crater lake. already had my first accident, since im such an rv noob. hit one of those cement protector bars in the second gas station we visited. tard-tastic.

i have a laptop and also desktop system with 2x 22" monitors, but i need to get an antenna for my aircard (currently go thru millenicom for cellular-internet service with the franklin cdu 680 device).

any advice/suggestions/feedback/shouts are appreciated. anyway, off to bed...wish us luck (more than just the tables, please!)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with this adventure. I make money selling on EBAY (I am not patient enough for poker). Mostly vintage motorcycle parts that I pick up around the country. It is a portable living as well. I will be following your progress. WCQ
